Our Services

Murdoch Orthopaedic

Hip Surgeon Perth

Hip Surgery

When you experience hip problems, they can affect the way your upper body weight is supported. Quite often, a hip problem can have a serious impact on our everyday life and our hip surgeons at Murdoch Orthopaedic in Perth are here to help. Patients tell us that they have experienced the highest levels of care, from a team of friendly and experienced surgeons and team members. A hip surgeon will look at your personal situation, provide a detailed diagnosis and discuss your options to plan your hip surgery or hip replacement.

Hip Surgery at Murdoch Hospital | Hip Surgeon Perth

Hip surgery at Murdoch Orthopaedic

One of the most common forms of surgery performed by our hip surgeons here at Murdoch Orthopaedic Clinic in Perth are revision hip replacements. You will also come across the term total hip arthroplasty. It’s a procedure type with a clear goal: to reduce your pain and to improve your hip functionality. If you choose to have a hip replacement, it means that an artificial part is used to replace the ball and socket bones of your hip (a prosthesis). It is generally accepted that this type of hip surgery is quite effective in restoring functionality and that the effect may eventually wear out over time. In that case, further surgery (revision) may be required.

Types of Hip Surgery | Hip Surgeon Perth

When to consider hip surgery?

You will be the first to notice that your hip is not in an ideal condition. If you start experiencing pain or reduced mobility in the motion range of your hip joint, you may decide that it is time to see a hip surgeon or at least talk about it to your GP. Once you have a referral for a hip surgeon, our specialists will assess your situation.
If your hip is affected by an injury, or damaged by what we call ‘normal wear and tear’, then it may be time to consider hip surgery. Your orthopaedic surgeon is always here to provide an unbiased and detailed diagnosis: it is about assessing the damage, the consequences for your day-to-day life, your chances of significant improvement after a hip replacement, and the recovery journey.

All aspects will be part of your consultation with your hip surgeon here at Murdoch Orthopaedic, at SJOG Murdoch Hospital (Perth).

Types of hip surgery

As said, revision hip replacements are the most common surgery type here at our Murdoch clinic, but we can also treat an array of other hip conditions:

  • Fractures of the neck of the femur – if you have broken a bone, it’s vital you consult an orthopaedic surgeon as soon as possible.
  • Labral tears and impingement – this occurs when the labrum is separated from the hip socket. Orthopaedic surgery may assist in treating this condition.
  • Total hip replacement and revision surgery – this surgery aims to restore the functionality and health of your hip.
  • Hip arthroscopy to treat CAM and ‘pincer’ impingement – this procedure is less invasive than hip replacements and allows hip surgeons to view the hip joint effectively.
  • Trochanteric bursitis and abductor or hamstring tendon tearing/tendinopathy – this can be extremely painful. If you’re feeling pain in your hips, please contact one of our Perth hip surgeons as soon as possible.

Choose a Hip Surgeon Perth

Make an appointment with one of our Perth orthopaedic surgeons

It starts with obtaining a GP referral and once you have a referral for an orthopaedic surgeon, come and see us at Murdoch Orthopaedic Clinic (at Murdoch Hospital, Perth). We will be more than happy to help you and answer any queries or concerns you may have.


Mr Rhys Clark


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Mr Graham Forward


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Mr Gerald Lim


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Mr Mark Hurworth


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Mr Michael Anderson


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Mr Ben Jeffcote

BM.BS, B.Med.Sci(Hons), FRACS(Orth), FAOrthA

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