"Over the past 29 years MOC has continued to grow, selectively recruiting new surgeons as well as farewelling a few fortunate retirees."
Murdoch Orthopaedic Clinic (MOC) is the brainchild of the late Mr Frank (Don) Webb, who, with the proposed development of the Murdoch Hospital, had the vision of forming an orthopaedic clinic in the southern suburbs of Perth.
Mr Webb immediately teamed up with five other like-minded orthopaedic surgeons, and in August 1993 the first meeting was held and Murdoch Orthopaedic Clinic was born.
The six founding members are the late Mr Frank (Don) Webb, Mr Robert Genat, the late Mr Michael Tiller, Mr George Carter, Mr Graham Forward and Mr Michael Anderson.
St John of God was successful in gaining the rights to build what is now known as the St John of God Hospital Murdoch (SJGHM), located at the corner of Murdoch Drive and South Street, Murdoch. The original hospital was some 320 inpatient beds, six operating theatres, maternity and a day surgery suite.
With an extensive three-storey medical centre planned to adjoin the Hospital, MOC negotiated with SJGHM, for 800m2 of space on the ground floor and later appointed an architect to commence planning the clinic’s layout and fit out. In November 1993 MOC welcomed Mr Tony Jeffries to the team.
With the official opening of St John of God Murdoch Hospital in March 1994, MOC signed the lease with SJGHM for the clinic space within the medical centre. With its home now established, MOC opened its doors on 4 September 1994 and commenced consulting with its first patients.
Over the past 30 years MOC has continued to grow, selectively recruiting new surgeons as well as farewelling a few fortunate retirees. The following surgeons have joined the MOC team in this period; Mr Tony Jeffries (1994), Mr Peter Ammon (2004), Mr Gerald Lim (2006), Mr Paul Jarrett (2006), Mr Mark Hurworth (2014), Mr Rhys Clark (2019), Mr Matthew Lawson-Smith (2019) and Mr Ben Jeffcote.
Our clinic has ten surgeons consulting daily to patients all over Western Australia.